Awaken the vital life energy in you with EnergyFlow.

Start living in coherence and in health

Quantum Energy Healing

Interested in releasing fears, limiting beliefs, and blocked energy? Feeling run down or stuck?

Quantum energy healing therapy and activations are an invitation for you to look inside and discover the universe that dwells in you. Vannessa creates a space of trust and respect, where there is nothing and no one more involved than you, your body, music, and the energy field. Accompanied by a sound journey, the energetic conditions are created to enter into a space of mindfulness, release, and healing.

“We are not only a physical body, but also an energetic one with a life of its own.”

Phillipe Schwiderski, Founder of La Nueva Terapia (LNT)

Receive gentle guidance

An experienced facilitator you can trust

Vannessa has received, studied, and certified in various quantum therapy methods and activations. In search for her own healing, she studied with teachers in Spain and Ecuador to learn the various methods that she now uses in this practice to hold a container for healing and increasing life force vitality. No matter where you are in your journey the methods are to help you release, heal, and return to your true self.

About me

EnergyFlow Offerings

Energetic Activations

Activate your raw life force energy, through a kundalini activation to awaken your energetic, emotional, and spiritual field. Online group and private sessions.

$60 online group session

$111 private session

La Nueva Terapia (LNT)

LNT is a quantum healing method provided only by certified therapists. Vannessa was trained by Phillipe Schwiderski, Founder of LNT. This method is used to address specific ailments or illnesses. Private sessions only.


Quantum Coaching

Interested in knowing what is blocking you? Through quantum energy methods, Vannessa is able to connect with your subconscious to provide guidance and support on your journey. Helping you feel more connected to yourself.


Make space for yourself